Discrimination against shorter, ugly people leading to banking and other frauds

Earlier the character of the person, honesty, hard work, personal ethics, experience of a person were important while selecting the person for a job,however in 2018, the indian government, intelligence, security agencies especially in panaji,goa are openly discriminating against men and women who are short, openly ridiculing them.

All important positions in indian intelligence and security agencies are reserved for taller men and women, though they are dishonest frauds, liars, lazy , inexperienced, often with fake resumes, stolen from another indian citizen.

So when the main qualification for a government job is the height and appearance,not the experience and competence of the person, banking frauds like the Rs 12600 crore PNB banking fraud are likely because the government itself is involved in a major banking fraud, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored lazy fraud sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees who have never made any money online, are online experts, owning the bank account of a private citizen

Short people used for stalking domain investor

In Maharashtra most people are not very brazen in harassing,mocking short people,however in goa,they are shameless as they have no manners and being politically incorrect, does not invite any kind of social censure. However in the corporate world discrimination continues.

In goa, though some people face discrimination and harassment brazenly and openly they rarely have the courage and unity, leaders to fight against those committing the atrocities, unlike other states in India, where atrocities are no longer tolerated. Only the church is protesting against the atrocities. For example only in goa, are the top officials shameless frauds and liars, making fake claims about bank account ownership, because the google competitor is not living all the time in the address which she has provided.

The google competitor has noticed that increasingly short people are being used for stalking the google competitor,. for example if she will order any food from outside the person delivering the food will be short.

I Have a Good Job Now

I have been fairly happy in my new job, but it is really tough some days. I am working for a major delivery company and they pay pretty well. However you are working pretty hard if you have a route like mine and the hours are long. I started out when I was in high school, although I was 18 by the time they hired me. At first all I did was wash the trucks and clean them up. At any rate I had to see a Salinas Chiropractor the other day, because I started to get some nagging pain and I figured out that it had to be resolved. The chiropractor says that one of the vertebra in my spine was in the wrong place, or really several of them. At any rate I got a bit nervous when I realized how he was going to fix that problem. Continue reading

Getting into Snapchat Made Easy

I needed to hack a Snapchat account because I needed to find out if my sister was messaging my boyfriend. We’re twins and that has usually meant we share everything in our lives. We were definitely the twins you’d see pictures of where we’re wearing the same clothing, have the same hair style, and all of that business. Our parents started us down that road and it was only when we went away to college that we started developing separate identities. We still knew everything about one another, however, which is where the problem with my boyfriend and Snapchat entered the picture.

Usually, I’ve known all my sister’s passwords and her mine. Neither one of us thought this was weird and it’s continued even as we’ve started to move into our own things. Continue reading

Boosting My Mother’s Favorite Online Game

I helped my mother get unlimited money Virtual Families 2 because it’s her favorite game and she desperately needed help. She’s got a fascination with this game that is both amusing ans slightly alarming. Every time I go over to her house she’s either playing the game or talking about it. What’s really funny is when we go out somewhere for a few hours and she pulls out her phone to check in on her progress. I keep telling her it’s a long game where not much happens in the course of a few hours, but she still keeps checking.

Recently, she complained about her progress and that she wasn’t making enough to get all the extras in the game. Continue reading

When indian government jobs are reserved for good looking tall people, why exploit, defame a short domain investor

The indian government, R&AW,CBI and indian intelligence agencies have made it clear that they will only employ tall, good looking, charming people as part of their policy, not experts in a particular field, especially in the indian internet sector
So since 2010, why is the indian government wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money to defame india’s largest female domain investor, a short engineer, putting her under surveillance, denying her the fundamental right to privacy and to make a fair living and then falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan sex workers sunaina, siddhi, cheater housewives veena, riddhi nayak, nayanshree, naina , asmita patel, ruchika, and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees own her domain names, defaming the real domain investor, denying her the income and opportunities she deserved
Though the indian government may not be interested in dealing with the domain investor, there may be other citizens and foreign companies who are interested in contacting the domain investor for advertising their product or service, or purchasing the domain names, paying the market price, why are NTRO, CBI and other indian government employees wasting their time, indian tax payer money and resources duping domain buyers worldwide that the sex workers, fraud R&AW/CBI employees own the domains of a private citizen.
It is clear than the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees are not paying the market price of the domain names, expenses, why not allow the domain investor to sell to others, why are NTRO,CBI employees defaming a harmless private citizen, google competitor with fake malicious stories.

Short employee in telecom company loses her job

Some extremely powerful top intelligence and security agency employees hate the google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, and are ruthless in harassing anyone she will interact with, wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money.
For example the domain investor was using an ISP for an internet connection, and since she was not using the postpaid connection regularly, the connection was changed to prepaid to reduce the wastage of her limited money.
Almost immediately in September the google competitor and domain investor found that the short employee gau* at the telecom company who was taking her payment, was missing, When she enquiried she was told, that she has left the job and is now sitting at home. Gau* was replaced by a taller , fatter employee reflecting the open discrimination against shorter people in India, and in goa in particular
This clearly indicates the widespread prejudice and lack of opportunities for short people however hard working and competent they may be

Neither of Us Had to Compromise

My husband and I have a lot in common, but there are a lot of things that we don’t, as well. He loves to cook, and I would rather eat out. I love to swim, but he would rather lift weights. We both love to watch sunsets, but he would rather do it on the beach while I am happy seeing one from my front porch. Even with our differences, we were able to look at luxury apartments for rent in South Charlotte NC and find one that we both really liked, even with our different tastes.

The very first thing he looked at was the kitchen. I have to admit that it is beautiful with its granite counters and gorgeous cupboards. I was more concerned about pizza places close by that deliver while he was excited about the gourmet pantry that is part of the kitchen. Continue reading

Second class status of short engineers partly responsible for mumbai flooding

The indian intelligence and security agencies are extremely unprofessional and prejudiced against engineers who are short, denying them the income and opportunities they deserved, subjecting them to identity theft, wasting crores of rupees in indian tax payer money in process. It appears to be a widespread problem, and short women engineers are the worst affected due to the prejudice, especially if they are not good looking and not well connected

These powerful government employees fail to realize that the engineering skills of a person are not related to his or her height , it depends to a very great extent, on other qualities like the ability to understand complex systems quickly, attention to detail and understanding the specifications. A lot of time and money is spent to train an engineer professionally in a top college and also in a large company, and stealing the identity or resume theft of the engineer, will not transfer the training and experience to the fake engineer, who will get a indian government job with the fake degree

When trained and experienced engineers find that they are sidelined or worse subjected to identity theft because they are short, they do not do their best, and relatively mediocre engineers or frauds faking btech degrees who have never studied engineering like R&AW/CBI employee nayanshree hathwar,riddhi nayak, are taking major decisions, resulting in infrastucture problems like mumbai flooding , water shortages, potholed roads.

Engineering largely involved predicting future problems accurately and fraud R&AW/CBI/indian government employees who have never studied and worked as engineers, are unlikely to anticipate problems