indian and goan government refuses to admit that customers outside india will pay older SHORT ugly writers, CRIMINALLY DEFAMES,tortures them regularly

WRITING WORK is very time consuming and people worldwide are willing to pay indian and other citizens, for the time they spend writing,writing skills, irrespective of the appearance of the person

Instead of admitting that english language writing skills are valued worldwide and asking others to improve their english skills, DISHONEST LIAR security agencies in goa, refuse to admit that people will pay citizens for WRITING WORK, even if they are ugly, old ,fat,short, sweat a lot

In a clear indication of the extremely poor quality of the intelligence and security agency employees in india, leaders, especially goa, high levels of CORRUPTION , NEPOTISM in India, the government employees, leaders in goa do not have the grace and honesty to admit that english writing skills are valued worldwide and people will pay a person for writing well in english, though she may be ugly, old and fat

Translators and interpreters in any foreign language are paid well for their language skills, because they have taken the effort to improve their language skills in a language which is used extensively worldwide
Improving the language skills in a specific language takes a lot of effort and time, the person has to spend a lot of time reading, writing at their home, they have no time for other activities or causing problems.
yet the government employees,leaders especially in goa, refuse to acknowledge the fact that english writing skills are valuable, and just because their favorite goan CALL GIRLS goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, robber housewife riddhi nayak caro, school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, are good looking, charming, it does not mean that they have good english language writing skills

Everytime the writer is receiving paypal payment, she is tortured, causing insomnia in panaji, goa, the latest being on September 25, 2019 . This is because bribed by google, tata, the goan and indian government does not have the grace and humanity to acknowledge the english writing skills of the domain investor for the last ten years, and is wasting a huge amount of taxpayer money CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor, who is also a prolific writing with better than average english writing skills

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kindly note that raw/cbi employees and their associates like the fairskinned bespectacled daughter of a gujju ca in panaji, goa who looks like indore robber deepika, nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar are not associated with the website in any way at all, though raw/cbi/google, tata, ntro employees are making fake claims for the last 10 years in a major BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD of indian government agencies on the domain investor, who does not much free time and money also because of the fraud.

Most of the waiters in inexpensive restaurants are short

The domain investor is visiting restaurants regularly since she does not have the time to cook, unlike the 10 google, tata sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees who get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work at all, only for FAKING computer work, domain, bank account ownership.
She has noticed that in almost all the restaurants, especially the reasonably priced ones, the waiters are usually short in height, mostly not more than 5feet 6 inches in height.
This is because the career options for shorter people are limited because of their height, and the food service industry is the most lucrative option available.
Most taller men, are getting jobs in security agencies easily, even if they are not well educated.
It would be interesting to find out the educational qualifications of the short waiters, whether they find it difficult to get jobs for their qualificatio

Now fairskinnned short bespectacled gujju young woman, ca’s daughter faking writing

Goa is not considered one of the better states for doing business because the top intelligence and security agency employees are some of greatest FRAUDSTERS AND LIARS in the world beating the nigerian fraudsters in their banking online fraud
Joining the long list of goan and gujju fraudsters in goa, who are faking ownership of a paypal account, is the Gujju ca’s fairskinnned short LAZY LIAR bespectacled daughter is latest panaji FRAUD WRITER, BANKING FRAUDSTER on a black scooter 1983 , who is falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor to get great powers, allegedly supported by google, tata
The domain investor got the hint that some fraud was taking place, because suddenly the female started waving, when earlier she would never show any sign of recognition.

The lazy greedy gujju young gujju fraudsters, goa’s deepika is least interested in doing any work at all, relies on powerful fraud LIAR gujju officials to make fake claims and get her powers, privileges at the expense of the engineer who is actually doing the work, spending many hours. For 9 years the cunning shameless gujju fraudsters led by parmar have criminally defamed the writer.

Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Maharashtra will acknowledge the writer who is spending time writing for many hours daily only Goa government continues its fraud on hardworking writers with security and intelligence employees criminally defaming them and falsely giving lazy greedy frauds like the young gujju, goa fraudsters, who do not do any work credit and salaries. Details of the iwriter account of writers from these states can be provided

Bank details will legally expose the latest gujju WRITING, BANKING FRAUD in panaji, goa. Kindly note that no gujju is associated in any way, with the domain investor and her iwriter account which has more than 140 articles completed monthly, though powerful LIAR gujju officials are making fake claims and defaming the writer, circulating photoshopped videos and photos.

Unlike India, North Korea is excluding taller women from the pleasure squad for top officials and leaders

India and North Korea are similar because the government recruits the most beautiful women for its intelligence agencies like raw/cbi and government service, beauty is almost the only criteria

While North Korea is honest that these women are supposed to serve the leader and are selected for their beauty, the indian government raw/cbi are extremely dishonest and waste taxpayer money to make fake claims about their employees like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi caro nayak, naina chandan.

Just like the beautiful North Korean women,the raw/cbi employees are part of a pleasure squad, and also supposed to serve the most powerful intelligence and security agency employees, provide sexual services . Some of the members of the indian government pleasure squad are the school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, sunaina chodan,siddhi mandrekar, deepika, riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, ruchika king

Also the indian government is wasting a huge amount of indian taxpayer money to dupe people, companies and countries that the members of raw/cbi pleasure squad are experienced engineers from top colleges, domain investors owning this and other websites, where their sex news is posted and online experts, when these women have been selected only for their beauty, while North Korea is more honest
Unlike India, taller north korean girls do not qualify for the pleasure squad, all girls above the height of 165 cm are excluded, because the North Korean leader is not very tall

Stalking by taller men and women

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One of the main problems in living in goa, is how taller people automatically treat short people as second class citizens, inferior to them and make their superiority complex very obvious. They expect the shorter person to automatically obey a person just because he is tall, though the taller person may not have any other redeeming quality
Most men and women who are short, are aware of the fact that they are short mainly because of hereditary factors, not because of an intentional mistake or error on their part, and do not think that the discrimination is justified or fair.
The google competitor, who is short, has been subjected to organized stalking again at campal in panaji,goa at a store selled baked products on 26 december 2017 by the powerful officials who despise her because of her height. A tall well built man with a salt and pepper beard was sent for organized stalking , to intentionally waste the time of the google competitor.
He made it obvious that he had a superiority complex because he was tall, and he looked down on women and men who were not as tall as he was.

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I was talking to one of my friends about her plans after she graduated and she told me that she was going to be moving to the big city, I told her that I would get her a hd cctv camera so that she could keep track of her new house when she was not home. I was worried about her because I am from the biggest city in the country and I know that she is going to a city much smaller but she still has a small town mind, where she thinks that you can trust everyone. I told her that she was going to go and trust everyone and that she could find that she would get into a lot of trouble with that. Continue reading

Goa worst state in discriminating against short people

The height of a person is largely determined by hereditary factors, while the education, savings of person depends on the intelligence, merit and work ethic of a person.

However in a clear example of discrimination, financial fraud and lies, the cheater liar security and intelligence agencies in goa are refusing to recognize a single woman engineer, mainly because she is short and falsely claiming that a gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT sex service provider housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university, indore document robber housewife bespectacled veena who looks like actress deepika padukone who ROBBED the engineer and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who have no legal papers own the house, have the resume, savings of the engineer

One of the reasons why there is a decline in the number of tourists in goa in the 2018-2019, is because the goan security agencies are some of the greatest liars, cheaters in the world, refusing to respect the fundamental rights of indian citizens which are guaranteed by the indian constitution, openly involved in a major real estate fraud without being questioned.

For example, just because engineer is ugly, short and not charming, fraud liar goan security and intelligence agencies agencies in panaji, falsely claim that google, tata sponsored microchipped gujju school dropout housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh ,goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, cheater housewives riddhi nayak, nayanshree, frauds like asmita patel, robbers like indore document robber housewife , who have not spent any money, have no legal papers, own her house in panaji, have her resume, savings , to get all these frauds raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the engineer

It is a clear case of discrimination, real estate and financial fraud on the engineer that so many google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE are falsely claiming to own the house, bank accounts, assets and have the resume to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

Mainly because of this open discrimination, fraud , few jobs are created in goa, most young people leave the state

Short women engineers subjected to real estate, financial fraud in panaji, goa by fraud LIAR security agencies

The height of a person is largely determined by hereditary factors, while the education, savings of person depends on the intelligence, merit and work ethic of a person.

However in a clear example of discrimination, financial fraud and lies, the cheater liar security and intelligence agencies in goa are refusing to recognize a single woman engineer, mainly because she is short and falsely claiming that a gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT sex service provider housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university, indore document robber housewife bespectacled veena who looks like actress deepika padukone who ROBBED the engineer and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who have no legal papers own the house, have the resume, savings of the engineer

One of the reasons why there is a decline in the number of tourists in goa in the 2018-2019, is because the goan security agencies are some of the greatest liars, cheaters in the world, refusing to respect the fundamental rights of indian citizens which are guaranteed by the indian constitution, openly involved in a major real estate fraud without being questioned.

For example, just because engineer is ugly, short and not charming, fraud liar goan security and intelligence agencies agencies in panaji, falsely claim that google, tata sponsored microchipped gujju school dropout housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh ,goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, cheater housewives riddhi nayak, nayanshree, frauds like asmita patel, robbers like indore document robber housewife , who have not spent any money, have no legal papers, own her house in panaji, have her resume, savings , to get all these frauds raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the engineer

It is a clear case of discrimination, real estate and financial fraud on the engineer that so many google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE are falsely claiming to own the house, bank accounts, assets and have the resume to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

Mainly because of this open discrimination, fraud , few jobs are created in goa, most young people leave the state

Janet Yellen not renominated because of her height

Janet Yellen, the Former Chair of the Federal Reserve was not renominated to the position, allegedly because the US president found her short
Yellen is 5 feet, 3 inches or 1.6 meters in height, and though she was considered very competent otherwise, she was not renominated, because the president found that she was not tall enough
The president thought that being short would affect her ability to get work done according to various online reports.