Getting a New Apartment That is Actually in a Brand New Apartment Complex

Can you imagine an affordable apartment just outside the DC area with a living room that is over 14 feet wide and more than 22 feet long? We rented a two bedroom place at the Palisades at Manassas Park. We had looked for apartments for rent in Manassas Virginia for about a month, and we actually had the Palisades on our list to tour toward the bottom. Well, as soon as we saw this apartment, we were signing a lease at the end of the tour. We could not wait to move in. It had everything we wanted.

This is our first apartment with so many community amenities. We finally have an on-site fitness center that is new and has all the gear we want. The pool is like swimming at a five-star resort. Continue reading

I Am Packing for Mexico

I basically knew almost nothing about this, my girlfriend told me that we were going to Mexico about a month ago. I was confused, but she told me that her uncle was a real estate developer and that among a number of other things he owned a luxury villa rentals for Cabo San Lucas and that every year she went down there with about five of her girlfriends. Of course I did not think that would end well, because I know her friends.These girls are really wild and I can just imagine what might happen if you get them away from home and down in the lands of Tequila. She laughed at me when I asked what her friends were like when they left the country. I am not really too sure that they need to be in another country where the law enforcement is not noted for it’s integrity. Continue reading

This is Better Than I Imagined

I am a very easy going person who is not that particular about many things in life. One thing that I am adamant about though is the quality of the place where I live. I have only lived in apartments since graduating from college, and I have found out that they are not all equal. The first two places I had could be classified as dumps, so I took my time when I began looking at Northlake apartments in Atlanta GA. I would rather spend days looking for the right apartment than find one quickly and be stuck in a six month lease or longer.

I thought it would take me a while to find a nice apartment that felt right to me since Atlanta is so big, but it took less than an hour of looking online. The majority of that time was spent looking at the website for the Green Park apartments. There was a lot on the site between photos of the apartments and grounds as well as floor plans for each unit and a listing of all the amenities that are available for residents. Continue reading

Most top indian models, actresses are tall, have an army or defence background

While discrimination based on height has become extremely rampant in India in the last decade due to intolerance, with short people openly discriminated against, it can be easily proved that the height of a person is largely hereditary. The army , navy, airforce, usually specify a minimum height requirement while recruiting and so most people in the security forces are usually taller than the average indian.
In modelling, acting and in beauty contests like Miss India also height, grooming is a major criteria for victory, and it is observed that a large number of Miss Indian contest winners and actress like Priyanka Chopra, Lara Dutta, Sushmita Sen, Anoushka Sharma are tall and have a defence background
On the other hand, most of the women who study in top engineering colleges usually have a civilian background as civilian families are more likely to encourage their daughters to study engineering from top colleges after answering extremely competitive engineering entrance exams, compared to the defence forces . A survey of the women who get a good JEE rank will prove the fact.
On independence day, it is extremely unfair to women engineers who have worked very hard to study engineering from india’s best engineering colleges, worked hard for their savings and experience to find that the indian intelligence and security agencies in India are stealing the resume, savings, correspondence, memory of experienced trained women engineers from top indian engineering colleges, just because they are short, and not well groomed

The House That We Now Call Home

When my husband told me to find a reputable real estate agent in Denver, I got so excited. I knew that there was a chance we would end up staying in Denver, but it was not a sure deal until he told me that. I did not waste any time either. We had been living in an apartment for nearly six months before we found out that we were staying there for the long haul, and I honestly missed having my own house. The apartment was nice, but it just could not compare to having my own yard, bigger rooms and more privacy.

It took me just a few minutes before I found the real estate agent that I wanted to use. I looked at his website and was impressed with the properties that he had listed there. I also liked how everything was laid out, so I started looking at properties even before I contacted him. Continue reading

Finding a Place That is Inexpensive is Not Hard

After my ex-husband I were divorced, I found myself feeling panic set in when it came to thinking about how I would be able to afford to live each month on the salary that I made. He and I were already struggling financially together, so I had no idea what might be in store for me on my own. The place we had together was somewhat nice, and I felt it would be best if I looked for cheap apartments in Raleigh NC so that I would not get myself into too much financially. But I wondered if I would be able to find a really nice place or not.

In my mind, whatever place that I could find that would be inexpensive might not be in a good neighborhood or would be rundown. Continue reading

I Just Moved Up to the Mountains

A couple of weeks ago I got a call from a guy I knew a few years ago when I was living down in the Sand Hills of North Carolina. He was up in the mountains and he had become the principle of a high school in Ashe county. He wanted to know if I was interested in becoming the wrestling coach up there. In fact he told me that they had a couple of guys who might make the state tournament. At any rate now I am looking for apartments in Asheville NC and getting started on my work up there. Obviously I am going to be doing a lot more than coaching. Continue reading

Most short people only doing low end work, entry level jobs

Due to the increasing discrimination against short people by the indian intelligence and security agency employees in the last decade, most short people are doing only the low end work in larger organizations . They are doing only the customer service related jobs like serving people, ticketing. At the next higher level, the person they are reporting to is usually taller.
It would be interesting to find out what happens to the short people after a few years at the job , do they resign, are they fired, or do they work elsewhere. While young women may get married and remain at home, most short men have to continue working to support themselves and their families.

Do short men accept the fact that they will make far less than a taller person who has similar skills, experience?

Height website blocked in Goa due to prejudice against short people

On 17 July, 2017, this website could not be accessed using BSNL in goa alone. It was giving the following error

Hello There!

If you’re seeing this page, then you are viewing a domain pointed at # web hosting that we do not yet know about. This may mean the account for this domain has not been set up or there has been some other error. Not to worry! You may either contact support or wait to see if this error resolves itself.

When customer support was asked to resolve the error, they said that they were not facing any problem though they were also using BSNL. The customer support also used another ISP and , they could not replicate the problem , the website was resolving properly.

In goa as part of google, tata’s vicious slander campaign against a google competitor and domain investor, corrupt fraud ntro, cbi employees are allegedly bribed to spread false rumors that tall google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online, own the website, are online experts to pay them a monthly indian government salary.

Height of Pranab Mukherjee, President of India

Though in 2017, the indian intelligence and security agencies are openly discriminating against indian citizens, telling them that their resumes, identity are being stolen because they are short, at the time of writing Pranab Mukherjee is the president of India, and he is 5 feet, 4 inches tall (1.63 m), which is the average or less than average height of the indian male depending on the region of india.
However when the president began his political career in the 1960’s , india was far more liberal, tolerant and open minded, so because he was brilliant, competent, his height did not affect his career and he could hold senior positions in the party and government for nearly four decades.
In the last decade, as advances in technology have made the indian intelligence and security agencies more powerful and less accountable, india is becoming regressive and talented people are openly denied opportunities, income they deserved just because they are not tall enough, fair enough, good looking enough. A few decades ago, indian leaders like Indira Gandhi were open and broadminded, progressive enough not to discriminate against citizens only because of their height, and gave Pranab Mukherjee the opportunities he deserved.
Today, though India claims to be very modern, in reality it is extremely regressive and openly discriminates against citizens who are short, making a mockery of the indian constitution with NTRO falsely claiming that tall goan sex workers, cheater housewives like indore fraud veena and other frauds own this website, just because they are taller than the real domain investor who pays and controls this website