On 17 July, 2017, this website could not be accessed using BSNL in goa alone. It was giving the following error
Hello There!
If you’re seeing this page, then you are viewing a domain pointed at # web hosting that we do not yet know about. This may mean the account for this domain has not been set up or there has been some other error. Not to worry! You may either contact support or wait to see if this error resolves itself.
When customer support was asked to resolve the error, they said that they were not facing any problem though they were also using BSNL. The customer support also used another ISP and geopeeker.com , they could not replicate the problem , the website was resolving properly.
In goa as part of google, tata’s vicious slander campaign against a google competitor and domain investor, corrupt fraud ntro, cbi employees are allegedly bribed to spread false rumors that tall google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online, own the website, are online experts to pay them a monthly indian government salary.