Just because engineer is short, goan government falsely claims goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan only offering SEX services does writing work

Few can match the goan government in pampering, promoting and rewarding lazy greedy prostitutes offering SEX services to government employees with the help of google, tata employees who are pimps for these goan prostitutes and have got the sex workers raw jobs with the stolen identity of experienced engineers

In a clear case of discrimination , Just because a hardworking single woman bhandari engineer is short, the corrupt fraud goan government refuses to acknowledge the writing and other work she is doing ande falsely claims that the lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan only interested in offering SEX services to government employees, does writing work to give the VVIP panaji prostitute great powers, monthly salary

the engineer would have no objection if the goan, indian government, raw, cbi, ntro are honest that goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is only a sex worker, and the indian government is paying her a salary for having sex with government employees. However for 8 years goan, indian government, raw, cbi, ntro are repeating the lies of tata employees that their favorite sex service provider, a lazy fraud is doing work online and asking the panaji prostitute to repeatedly criminally trespass on the house of the engineer in la campala colony, panaji, goa in a major real estate, banking, paypal fraud

Shorter people tend to put on weight faster

Shorter individuals have to be careful while eating, because they tend to put on weight faster.
Compared to taller individuals of the same age, gender, shorter individuals usually will have less muscles, and their body will use up less calories, they will have a lower metabolic rate.
So if their diet has the same number of calories as a person who is taller, and they lead a similar lifestyle, the shorter person is more likely to put on weight, especially when the excess calories are stored in the body as fat.
Hence a shorter person will have to exercise more and lead a more active lifestyle to prevent weight gain, compared to a taller person.

Many airport catering companies employ short people

Compared to taller and good looking people, short people have extremely limited employment opportunities in India in 2018, because of the open prejudice of security and intelligence agencies against short people.
So short people are likely to be more honest, hardworking and sincere employees compared to taller people, who have many opportunities.
At Mumbai airport, it was observed that a catering firm was mainly employing short staff, most of their employees were less than 5 feet 4 inches in height.

The staff at airport shops and stores, is expected to work for long hours, so if the employer wanted sincere hardworking employees who will work for lower salaries, they are preferring to hire short male and female employees for better productivity .

Short indian citizens more likely to be cheated

The security and intelligence agency employees are mostly tall and they are more likely to be prejudiced against short indian citizens, who are finding it difficult to get justice and are more likely to be cheated
While this domain investor has been cheated non stop since 2010, by ntro, raw, cbi, security agency, google,tata employees because of her height, it appears that short indian government employees are also being cheated by private companies

After the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet with his friends like nayanshree hathwar, kodancha, cheated the domain investor, almost everyone she knows has looted the domain investor, following the footsteps of the great cheater from mhow who encouraged them .
A builder has delayed the refund for a booking amount, and when the domain investor made yet another visit to the builders office, she found another investor who also was not getting his refund. Though he was a government employee, he was not tall, which could be the reason, why he was facing a problem.
The indian intelligence and security agencies are openly showing their dislike of short indian citizens in 2018, effectively giving well connected people the license to loot shorter people.

Any short person who feels that he or she is cheated because of his or her height, please send an email to info@textads.in

Dishonest corrupt Goan bhandari leaders and officials refuse to acknowledge Bhandari engineer with best JEE rank in Goa in history because she is short

In most communities in India, the engineer with the best JEE rank will be treated with respect for his or her intelligence and hard work
However in a clear case of discrimination, lack of vision , the dishonest corrupt goan bhandari leaders and officials, bribed by google,tata are refusing to the acknowledge the bhandari engineer with the best JEE rank in goa in history only because she is not tall
In other states, there are many famous people including sportsmen , leaders who were fairly short, and the engineer is about the same height as the average height for indian women.

However bribed by google,tata , the dishonest goan bhandari leaders and officials refuse to acknowledge the fact that the height largely depends on hereditary factors, and are openly discriminating against the engineer, refusing to recognize that she alone has a btech 1993 ee degree, has worked as an engineer, and is india’s largest female domain investor alone

Additionally these leaders and officials are also involved in a major fraud of repeating the lies of cheater liar brahmin officials that the lazy greedy goan bhandari prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university, who is a flat chested version of the actress mallika sherawat, who was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee, has the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of the engineer

If short engineers do not agree to identity theft, they find it difficult to earn any money

One of the topics which the cowardly indian mainstream media does not cover is how in 2018, the indian and goan government is openly discriminating against citizens, especially engineers form top colleges, subjecting them to identity theft only because they are not tall enough

While security forces may have a valid reason for ensuring that their employees meet certain height, eyesight, fitness levels and other criteria, it is a clear case of discrimination when these security forces are allowed to run amok, abuse their powers, and harass harmless hardworking experienced short engineers , to blackmail or force them to agree to identity theft. The engineer has worked very hard for his or her resume, savings, yet the security agencies are extremely unfair and intolerant, openly discriminating, falsely labelling the engineer as a security threat, without any legally valid reason, only because she is short

Bribed by google,tata, the indian government refuses to recognize the domain investor who is owning, paying for and controlling the website only because she is short and falsely claims that the 10 google,tata sponsored goan prostitutes bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar offering sex services to government employees., cheater housewives riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, indore document robber veena,naina, asmita patel, ruchika and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money, do any work, own this website and others belonging to the short domain investor,to pay all these sex workers, frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary in a clear case of discrimination and financial fraud

Since 2010, the short domain investor, owning this website is subjected to a brutal identity theft attempt by ntro,google,tata employees, and though she has not officially agreed to identity theft, there are 10 google,tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who are getting a monthly salary with her stolen identity. The engineer finds it extremely difficult to make any money online and offline in india, because she has not officially agreed to the extremely unfair and humiliating identity theft masterminded by google,tata employees

Discrimination against shorter citizens has increased in the last decade in India

In a clear indication of the growing intolerance in Indian society in the last decade, the discrimination against citizens who are short has drastically increased in the last decade in India. Earlier , at least among educated people , it was not considered politically correct to ridicule a person only based on his or her height. However in 2018, and in the last few years, government employees and others are openly discriminating against shorter people

This clearly indicates the lack of vision of the indian leaders and government, the indian government is behaving like nazi germany, which was openly discriminating against jews only because of their religion. There are many hardworking, honest and brilliant citizens who are short because of hereditary factors, and expecting them to agree to identity theft because of their height alone, is extremely unfair to the short citizen

The media and government is always announcing concessions for handicapped people,so that they lead a normal life, how are short people different from a handicapped person , a person who born blind or deaf or having some other deficiency can the indian government explain in an open debate, why are they openly and brazenly discriminated against especially in goa ?

Bribed by google,tata, the indian government refuses to recognize the domain investor who is owning, paying for and controlling the website only because she is short and falsely claims that the 10 google,tata sponsored goan prostitutes bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar offering sex services to government employees., cheater housewives riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, indore document robber veena,naina, asmita patel, ruchika and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money, do any work, own this website and others belonging to the short domain investor,to pay all these sex workers, frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary in a clear case of discrimination and financial fraud

Tall people have a higher metabolic rate

Many people who are short, are often ridiculed because they are not slim enough
However the fact remains that tall people have a higher metabolic rate compared to shorter people, because they have more muscles in their body.
So though they eat more, taller people are more likely to maintain their weight or remain slim.
In contrast shorter people have to be very careful about the food which they are eating, as they are more likely to put on weight.
Tall and slim remains the ideal of female beauty worldwide.

Short people often retire in their forties

Kindly note that google, tata supplied goan R&AW employees SEX workers goan bhandari slim sunaina chodan 2013 bsc with a blue yamaha fascino AA 1430, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, indore document robber veena, goan gsb fraud extortionist housewife riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are not associated with te website as they do not spend any money, do not do any work, though the fraud google, tata employees who are PIMPs supplying the goan call girls to indian government employees for sex, brahmin cheater ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, vijay,infatuated with goan prostitutes and frauds are making fake claims as part of google, tata’s SEX, bribery racket, financial fraud are making fake claims
Any help to end ntro, google, tata’s goan PROSTITUTION RACKET, BANKING FRAUD will be appreciated

The times of india had an article about people who plan to retire before 50. The article correctly mentions that many people realize that they will not become the ceo or reach a senior position because of factors beyond their control like height, caste, appearance, so they retire to explore other options.
In the indian corporate world, most of the top positions are reserved for good looking tall fair people, it does not depend on how capable the person is , so a short person will usually make far less than what he or she deserved, especially in large companies
So instead of going to office and feeling frustrated it is better for a short hardworking person, who is being discriminated against, to retire so at least their office rival, who is getting the promotion will not benefit from the hard work, skills, of the short person who has been bypassed only because of his or her height

Shorter people find it difficult to drive vehicles

While security agencies are quick to mock people who do not drive a vehicle, it is a fact that shorter people are more likely to find it difficult to drive a vehicle. Most vehicles are designed for operation by a person who is at least 165 cm in height, allowing the person to reach the controls, brakes easily.
The car manufacturer is also having the same design for all the vehicles , there is no provision for a shorter person.
Security agencies are very strict about the height of their employees, it is mentioned in their recruitment ads, so they tend to be intolerant about the height of other citizens