Average height of indian men and women

The indian security and intelligence agencies are being extremely intolerant, regressive when they are denying short people in India the income and opportunities they deserve only because of their height. In some cases when short indian citizens have worked very hard to have an impressive resume, investment a huge amount of indian tax payer money is wasted to force them to agree to identity theft, give up their impressive resume to lazy mediocre fraud inexperienced persons only because they are taller and better looking.
According to most online sources, the average height of an indian male is 5 feet 5 inches, and the average height of an indian woman is 5 feet . However the security and indian intelligence agencies, especially in goa, are extremely prejudiced against short men and women, and are brazenly discriminating when they openly state that they will not acknowledge india’s largest female domain investor owning this domain also , a google competitor who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai only because she is short, 5 feet, the average height of indian women.

They are allegedly falsely claiming that taller google, tata sponsored sex workers R&AW employee like goan obc bhandari sunaina, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar, CBI employees goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak and others who do not spend any money online, own the domain names of the short google competitor to pay all the 10 lazy greedy frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor who is getting nothing.

Many chinese are not very tall

As someone who has faced a lot of discrimination due to her height, and has been denied the income and opportunities she deserved in India, because she is short, the domain investor actually owning this domain, noticed that a large number of chinese are fairly short, shorter than the average indian male travelling by air.

After the BRICS summit held in goa in October 2016, there were a large number of chinese at dabolim airport and almost no chinese was taller than the indians at the airport . This clearly exposed the unfair prejudice of indian intelligence and security agencies against short people in India, openly mocking them and denying them the opportunities and income they deserved just because they are short\

In a few decades, china has made great progress despite having a large number of short people working in government agencies, while though the indian government is preferring tall people for government jobs, india continues to have major problems like farmer unrest and poverty in many areas.

Height and unfair prejudices of security agencies

While for many security related position, the person in charge is supposed to be physically strong, tall and well built, in a clear case of discrimination, now security agency employees are being allowed to decide the career and life of a person in India .
For many positions especially white collar jobs, the physical strength and height of the person does not matter at all for determining the productivity and efficiency of the person. In the internet sector, for those who are working at home, the customer will not even meet or see the person who is doing the work, they are only interested in getting the work done.
However in the indian internet sector the discrimination against short people is the greatest with ntro, security agencies refusing to acknowledge the time spent and money invested by a short domain investor, in a clear case of discrimination and denial of fundamental rights.

Indian internet sector, height

The problem of discrimination against short people is worst in the indian internet sector, where allegedly 8-10 lazy greedy mediocre fraud google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI/intelligence agency employees are falsely claiming to own the investment and have the resume of India’s largest female domain investor, a single woman obc engineer, who is shorter than these fraud intelligence employees.

Though these fraud intelligence employees like slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar are not spending any money on domain names, not doing any work online because of the extreme prejudice of intelligence and security agency officials against short people, especially in goa they are getting away with their fraud and getting a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor.

Short people not considered for government jobs in India

A problem faced by short people is getting the highly coveted government jobs in India. According to multiple sources, for government jobs generally taller people are selected in India and this has resulted in enterprising authors writing books on how to become taller, focussing specifically on those who are interested in getting a government job. In these books, the authors are openly specifying that short people are discriminated against for government jobs.

In 2015- 2016, the prejudice and open discrimination against short people in states like goa has become so strong, that well connected short young people who are aware of the open discrimination against short people are preferring to migrate to another country, where discrimination laws are stricter.

Even in some other states like Maharashtra the discrimination against short individuals is not very severe like in goa, where officials are openly making a mockery of a person because of his or her height. Shivaji, the most famous Maratha king was not very tall, so the discrimination in Maharashtra is not very severe unlike goa.,

Corporates and height

While large established corporates are quite explicit in specifying that only tall people will reach the higher management levels especially in western countries and India to a large extent, there are some exceptions. In these corporates shorter individuals are usually bypassed for promotions though they may be far better in terms of competence, work ethic and experience compared to a taller, better looking and more charming person,who is getting the promotion. A director of a company was telling his ex colleague, how shorter people were being overlooked mainly because of their height.

However in case of entrepreneurs till a few decades ago, height did not matter much in India. For example the Jet Airways founder Naresh Goyal is not very tall. Probably the most famous short entrepreneur in the world is the Chinese founder of Alibaba,the Chinese trade portal, Jack Ma who is less than 5 feet 5 inch tall.

However increasingly the security and intelligence agencies in India are refusing to acknowledge an entrepreneur just because he or she is not very tall, which can be a waste of resources.

Rules favoring tall people

Compared to a few decades ago, increasingly the career of a person both in Asia and elsewhere depends on the body and face of a person, how tall, goodlooking and slim the person is and less on the competence, honesty and work ethic of the individual.

These rules are generally formulated by cunning government officials who wish to make rules which will be favorable to their relatives and friends, who may not be otherwise suitable, yet get an unfair advantage due to factors which are largely beyond their control.

These government employees are aware of the fact that height is largely hereditary, and rules favoring tall people will help their mediocre lazy relatives get jobs at the expense of shorter people

Human body, height, factors affecting, discrimination, short celebrities

Bodyguide, height,career, effect, hereditary factors, tall,short, prejudices,discrimination. Just because the real domain investor is short, about 5 feet, NTRO, CBI,indian security agencies are involved in a major identity theft, financial fraud, sex trade, falsely claiming that as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees have the resume, investment of the real domain investor to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary, in one of the most brutal identity theft frauds in India

Google is extremely vicious in defaming competition and has bribed the indian government, CBI, NTRO employees, so they are refusing to acknowledge the time and money invested by the google competitor and are allegedly falsely claiming that goan sex worker sunaina chodan supplied to NTRO employees for sex by google, tata and other frauds own this website to pay the sex workers, frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor

Kindly note that the 10 lazy greedy mediocre fraud RAW/CBI/indian intelligence employee faking a btech 1993 ee degree especially slim westernized goan obc bhandari SEX WORKER, call girl RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc who has SEX with top NTRO, CBI, security agency officials, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina mother of two sons, gujju fraudster asmita patel, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak siddhi mandrekar, bespectacled indore housewife veena,fair and lovely deepika, shivalli brahmin fraud housewife nayanshree hathwar, ruchika are NOT associated with the website in anyway though the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, tata have allegedly bribed fraud top NTRO officials like j srinivasan, puneet j, vijay to falsely claim 8-10 goan SEX WORKERS, CHEATER HOUSEWIVES an other frauds who never answered JEE were their btech 1993 ee classmate, domain investors and online experts to get all these google, tata sponsored FRAUD indian intelligence employees a monthly salary of $300 or more each in a clear indication of the rampant corruption in India in the indian internet sector.