Pune banking fraudster axe bank manager sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani hiring short young men for molesting domain investor

In addition to having his kolhapur/panaji school dropout mother naina premchandani seduce top government employees like tushar parekh, nikhil sha,parmar, puneet, to get no work no investment government jobs for himself, his fraud brother karan, Pune banking fraudster axe bank manager sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani hiring short men young men for molesting domain investor in public places repeatedly for character assasination

The domain investor has noticed that short young men are repeatedly coming and standing next to her, so that sindhi scammers can make and circulate defamatory videos, and the Pune banking fraudster axe bank manager sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani , his fraud family can retain their government job faking domain ownership

In the latest molestation incident near the state bank of india branch, the domain investor had just got off the rickshaw when a short thin young man wearing a black tshirt, and black pant molested her from behind.
It was obvious that he was paid for molesting because the molester did not enter the branch, he just stood outside the branch and then went back since he was sent only for molesting. This clearly shows how vicious the scammer sindhis are in character assasination, sexual harassment of single women, so that they can cheat, exploit, rob them and get monthly government salaries for faking bank account, domain ownership

Though Lionel Messi is shorter than others, he is considered the best football player in the world

In sports, sportsmen who are taller are usually having an advantage over shorter players, yet though Lionel Messi, the Argentine captain is shorter than most other football players, he is considered the best football player in the world
This is in direct contrast to the open discrimination against short domain investors in the indian internet sector, with government agencies, tech and internet companies refusing to acknowledge the domain investment of the single woman engineer since 2010, only because she is short and old in a clear case of financial fraud.

Average height of indians is reducing, they are becoming shorter

Though the indian and state governments especially in goa are openly discriminating against citizens because they are short, committing financial fraud, making them victims of government slavery especially in the indian internet sector, according to media reports in times of india, the average height of indians is reducing
There has been a slight decrease in the average height of indians in 2015-2016 compared to 2005-2006
The domain investor who is short herself, has also noticed that there are more short people who are visible in public places, working in low end jobs like delivery or waiters in restaurants.
The reason for the decrease in height is not analyzed.

Many goans have European or African forefathers so they are taller

Compared to the rest of india, in goa the discrimination against short people is far worse.
This is because the height of most the original goans is more.
The genetic reason for the greater height of the goans is that more people in Goa have African or European forefathers so they are taller
Goa was ruled by the Portuguese for approximately 500 years, and many Europeans from other countries also came to goa. Many of them had legitimate and illegitimate children who were taller than indians and fair skinned.
Studies have indicated that the average height of the Europeans is the highest in the world.

Many short people work as delivery boys

There are plenty of delivery related jobs in goa, businesses are always advertising their requirement for delivery persons.
It is observed that many of the delivery persons in goa are short.
This is because larger companies, government organization are not hiring short people
So short people have limited opportunities, and have to take up delivery jobs at swiggy, courier companies.

Janet Ellen becomes U.S treasury secretary, in the new US government

People who are denied opportunities because of discrimination based on factors they cannot control are very resentful.
One of the reasons why Trump lost the elections was allegedly because he was openly discriminating in some cases, he commented on Janet Ellen’s height to deny her a renomination according to media reports
The new US government has tried to compensate for the discrimination faced, and Janet Ellen became the U.S treasury secretary, in the new US government this year.
In india, discrimination against short people continues with the government falsely claiming that greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, robber riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do not spend any money on domains, do not do any computer work, do not control this and other websites to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

Though she is short, lawyer Maya Harris has a very successful career

Like her mother Shyamala Gopalan, Maya Harris the sister of the US vicepresident Kamala Harris is also not very tall, she is approximately five feet tall, the same height as the single woman domain investor paying for and owning this website.
In the United States, the average height of women is far more than in India, yet Maya Harris has a very successful career as a lawyer and activist.

yet indicating the intolerance of the intelligence and security agencies, especially in panaji, goa, they are extremely aggressive in their identity theft , of women professionals, like the goa 1989 jee topper, domain investor, only because she is short , five feet tall. Crores of indian taxpayer money is being wasted annually since 2010, to force the domain investor to agree to identity theft

The indian, and goan government is falsely claiming that this website belongs to the google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, robber riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do not spend any money on domains, do not do any computer work, do not control this and other websites to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

This again exposes the lack of vision of the top officials and leaders in india, they are wasting taxpayer money to criminally defame, cheat, exploit, harass citizens, just because they are short. When United states treats short people well, gives them the opportunities they require, why is the indian and specifically goan government so intolerant, CHEATING, EXPLOITING short women professionals

Career of Shyamala Gopalan proves that height discrimination is worst in India

Though Shyamala Gopalan, the mother of the US vicepresident Kamala Harris was only five feet tall, she had a very successful career in the United States and Canada. In contrast, the indian government, especially in goa, is openly involved in identity theft of women professionals, like the goa 1989 jee topper, domain investor, only because she is short , five feet tall.
The indian, and goan government is falsely claiming that this website belongs to the google, tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar, robber riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees, who do not spend any money on domains, do not do any computer work, do not control this and other websites to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

In panaji, goa discrimination against the short domain investor, engineer is so severe, that almost all her correspondence has been robbed for the last 9 years, causing great financial losses, damaging her reputation