Many delivery persons are short in height

The height of a person has become a major consideration while hiring employees in the last few decades
Many short people, find it difficult to get good jobs, the income and opportunities they deserved because of the increasing prejudice and discrimination which the mainstream media does not cover.
So they are forced to do tedious and low paying jobs.
The courier and amazon delivery persons are short in height. The delivery work is fairly tedious, the delivery person has to spend a lot of time outdoors, visiting different places so many people are not interested in this work.

Most maintenance, housekeeping staff are short

Increasingly height is a major consideration while hiring employees in larger companies which pay well.
Many short people, find it difficult to get good jobs because of the increasing prejudice and discrimination.
So they are forced to do low paying jobs.
In many places, the housekeeping staff doing the menial cleaning work are usually short in height, they may be more sincere, because they have few other opportunities

Tall slim young woman shows way to lift without being asked showing superiority complex of tall people

Tall slim young woman like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro shows the domain investor the way to the lift without being asked when she visits office
Government employees do not realize that when they harass a harmless private citizen, they are showing that she is important. On domain forums, when the domain investor was complaining, people from foreign countries asked her who this great investor was that the government agencies were wasting their time and money to harass her so much.
The domain investor visited an office regarding some of her investments, and showing how closely the domain investor is being monitored, the moment the domain investor finished her work and left the office, a tall slim young woman wearing a kurti came out and showed the the investor the way to the lifet without being asked
Though the panaji greedy goan gsb FRAUD housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, wife of fraud goan gsb security agency employee CHEATER caro has never studied engineering,never lived and worked in a metro city, the SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD LIAR goan gsbs like the goan bhandaris rewarding panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, sindhi rewarding sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, other fraud raw/cbi employees are FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay , their resume, savings to get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer
Though the greedy goan panaji greedy goan gsb FRAUD housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and other fraud raw/cbi employees like indore cheater housewife deepika/veena do not pay expenses, do not do computer work like their shameless fraud boyfriends working in indian government agencies they are falsely claiming to own this and other domains using ROBBED data to get great powers , monthly government salaries in a major fraud of the top tech and internet companies since 2010.
It clearly shows the patronizing behavior of tall people towards those who are older, short.

Due to historical reasons, people from haryana,punjab are taller

The domain investor has noticed that the height of people in a region depends to a large extent on historical factors. Since goa was ruled by the Portuguese for about 500 years, and a large number of Europeans came to goa, most goans are taller compared to other indian citizens since they may be having Europeans genes and are taller. Tall people often openly ridicule shorter people, who they feel are inferior.
Similarly north india was invaded repeatedly by Alexander the great from greece, persians, mughals and others from north asia, europe who are taller than native indians. So north indians, especially from haryana,punjab are likely to be taller and fair skinned compared to other indians

Height depends to a large extent on hereditary factors, yet government agencies continue to discriminate

Meeting families again highlights how hereditary factors determine the persons appearance to a large extent.
Usually if the father is tall, all or at least some of the children are tall.
Short people may have many qualities which the tall people do not have.
Yet showing the lack of professionalism, prejudices of government agencies they continue to openly discriminate against short people, especially in states like goa
This results in waste of talent and short people are forced to leave

Indonesians may be the shortest people in the world

The domain investor is aware that her websites are closely monitored in indonesia, because she gets some advertising from indonesia.
One of the reasons the indonesians are monitoring her is because there are comparatively few opportunities for short people online.
Like most asian people, the indonesians are short, and according to some reports, the average height of indonesians is the lowest in the world.
People who are tall are often openly mocking and insulting short people, they do not have the grace and humanity to acknowledge that the height of a person depends to a large extent on genetic factors.

work at home fraudster short slim architect telugu trisha is a full time accenture employee

To destroy the life and finances of the domain investor, cia has been running the greatest work at home fraud in india since 2010 falsely associating various housewives and young frauds with her, to get them no work no investment government jobs while criminally defaming the real domain investor who is making great losses because of the endless frauds of cia, indian tech and internet companies
Like panaji goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan who worked in american company compunnel and gurugram fraud raw employee ruchita kinge who worked in deloitte, conduent, optum, the latest work at home fraudster short slim architect telugu trisha is a full time accenture employee
All these cia stooges are not doing any computer work at all, yet the dishonest indian tech and internet companies are spreading fake rumors to give these frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor who is criminally defamed to cheat, exploit and rob her, causing great losses

short brother of thane it employee puja pawar sent to print bank passbook and waste domain investors time

Indicating the extent of the harassment and criminal defamation the domain investor some fraud government employee is closely monitoring her to steal her data so that a lazy greedy young person can falsely take credit and get a well paid government job while the domain investor is criminally defamed as idle
The cybercriminal government employee is also doing everything to waste the time of the domain investor, when she went to the bank to withdraw money from the bank on 9 june 2023 at around 4.30 pm ,allegedly a stalker thane it employee puja pawar sent her short brother wearing a red tshirt to get the passbook updated intentionally
thane it employe puja pawar had not updated the passbook for many months, and is receiving a large amount of money, so a lot of time was wasted getting the passbook updated and the domain investor was forced to waste her time, waiting since at least 10-15 pages of the passbook had to be updated
This exposes the extent of the harassment of the greedy gujju thane domain fraudster raw employee amita patel, in addition to cheating the domain investor of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2013 with her domain ownership fraud, she and associates are doing everything to waste the time of the domain investor, sending the brother of thane it employee puja pawar to update the passbook after a few months so that it had a large number of entries

After great goa government SLAVERY racket for 9 years, powerful official support short fraud architect trisha in CYBERCRIME

Though the greedy goan frauds and sindhi scammers never did any computer work at all, did not invest money in domains, showing that indian government employees are the greatest online fraudsters in the world, some powerful officials ran the great goa government SLAVERY racket since 2012, to get 10 greedy goan frauds like goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan no work, no investment government jobs at the expense of the hardworking single woman domain investor
Now after the domain investor has left goa more than 16 months, the greedy goan, sindhi frauds retain their government jobs for FAKING domain ownership, bank account, and now the fraud top government employee is falsely promoting the short fraud architect trisha in her CYBERCRIME, computer work fraud though the cheater trisha is not doing any computer work at all
This is the reason why the domain investor wants the indian government to end its government SLAVERY of falsely associating its lazy greedy cheater employees with her, while criminally defaming her, because the domain investor, will be EXPLOITED wherever she goes by greedy shameless young people, like sindhi scammer brothers nikhil, karan premchandani, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan,fraud short telugu architect trisha if the LIAR indian government continues with its FRAUD,SLAVERY of falsely claiming that lazy liar young people, who do not spend any time,are doing the computer work.
the wifi network trisha used for hacking is always on.

Hotpant wearing short scammer trisha is the latest young fraud faking computer work

The domain investor is documenting all the frauds in the indian internet sector, so that online business owners are aware of the dishonesty, inhumanity of the indian tech and internet companies in cheating, exploiting, robbing hardworking online business owners.
In addition to stealing all the leads and orders of the small online business owner causing great losses, they are further cheating, exploiting, robbing, slandering the online business owner, falsely associating a greedy lazy dishonest young fraud with her, in a case of government SLAVERY
after running the great goa government SLAVERY racket for 10 years the shameless fraud indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are falsely promoting a lazy greedy young short fraud trisha, when there is no connection at all,the domain investor does not trust people after the endless frauds of the indian tech and internet companies
yet just to cover up the great goa government SLAVERY racket, banking fraud of panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro which can be legally proved the shameless LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees are spreading fake rumors about hotpant wearing short trisha
The wifi network is being used to hack the computers of the domain investor, so that trisha can fake computer work, when the wifi networks are being checked, she has noticed that trisha_2Ghz network is always on
The domain investor would like to ask the fraud tech,internet companies why their latest favorite fraud hotpant wearing short trisha does not open her own bank account legally, why she is falsely claiming to work for a hardworking single woman who she is not on talking terms with.